Advanced Configuration of Extended Related List Component in Orenda Grids
Learn how to configure Orenda Grids Extended Related Lists to optimize their performance and take advantage of its advanced features.
Orenda Grids component Extended Related List or XRL allows Salesforce Users to define and optimize the data views such as Related List, List Views and other grids as required by the User.
To start with Orenda Grids after installation, a User needs to follow a 2-step process which is as follows:
- Basic Configuration: It involves adding the XRL to a lightning page through App Builder and adding fields to create a default Related List view available across the org.
- Advanced Configuration: In the advanced configuration, a user can manipulate the default configuration by adding or removing fields, changing the default sort order, and applying server-side filters.
This tutorial will demonstrate the advanced configuration of XRL, where a user can manipulate the default configuration by adding or removing fields, changing the sort order, and applying server-side filters.
Which type of user can perform the advanced configuration?
Reconfigure Columns
Any admin-defined view in the XRL can be modified depending on the end users' requirements. This part of advanced configuration allows users to change the columns in the configuration by selecting new columns, deleting any pre-configured column, and changing the sequence of columns in the Related List view. At the end of these steps, you will get a view consisting of columns and records as you need in the Related List.
Step 1: After an admin has done the basic configuration of XRL, a Salesforce User will be able to see the Cases XRL view with pre-configured columns. To change this configuration, you need to click on the gear icon on the XRL view and select Configure.
Step 2: The configuration wizard is displayed. In this window, you can see the pre-configured columns in the Selected Fields tab. From the Available Fields from Case, select the fields required in the XRL view.
Step 3: To add reference fields, click on the “>” icon next to a field name and select as appropriate.
You can add up to 20 fields in a Related List view.
Step 4: To change the sequence of the fields in Related List view, simply drag and drop the field at the correct place.
Step 5: If you selected the wrong field in the view, click on the Delete icon next to the field name to remove it.
Apply Conditions
Applying server-side filters is the next stage of advanced configuration to ensure that only particular records are displayed in the Related List view. By following these steps, you will ensure that the Related List view consists of precise information that you need to work upon currently, making your access to records faster. To know more about server-side filters, read through our article here.
Step 6: On the Configuration Wizard, click on the Apply Conditions tab.
Step 7: Select any field from the Available Fields from Case on the left, to which you need to apply a server-side filter.
Step 8: Choose the appropriate filtering criteria. A variety of operations are available, including "contains", "equals", "is not empty," and more.
Step 9: From the Select drop-down, choose an appropriate option and click Add Condition. This condition is added to the condition list. Scroll down the window to view the list of Applied Conditions.
Step 10: If you want to Edit any of the Applied Conditions, click on the Edit button.
Step 11: If you want to Delete any of the Applied Conditions, click on the Delete button.
Step 12: You can apply filters to any other fields as necessary. Even if a field is not configured to display in the Related List view, it can still have server-side filters added to it.
Step 13: You can also construct different logical connections among multiple conditions using AND and OR logic to control what data is fetched in Related List through servers.
By default, multiple filters are applied for work on AND logic.
Apply Ordering
You can also select a default sorting order for records based on any field or fields in the Related List View. This allows the default XRL view to have records sorted in a particular desired order.
Step 13: On the Configuration Wizard, click on the Apply Ordering tab.
Step 14: Choose the Available Fields from the Case section to apply the sorting criteria.
Step 15: Under the Configure section, from the Select Sort Order drop-down, choose Ascending or Descending for sorting the column values.
Step 16: From the Empty Field Location drop-down, select Beginning or End to specify where the empty fields should appear in the column. Then, click Add Ordering. The ordering criteria are added to the Applied Orderings section.
Step 17: If you want to Delete any of the Applied Orderings, click on the Delete button.
Step 18: After applying these conditions, click Save to save the configuration. Or, click Save As to save it as a new configuration.
Once you're finished, you'll be able to see the Cases Extended Related List with the desired columns and filtered data in the records.
Now that you have completed the configuration of Extended Related List or XRL, the next step is to work on this data views according to use case requirements. For different customization options in XRL, go through the article- Understanding the XRL Interface.